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  • Dw about antylers, call her toesy if you must. Please just consider getting line, I didn't want to get it at first but it's actually better than things like kik. :)
    I'm not having much luck gathering the funds. (Seems dead in the AH for me.) :| so I guess I'll have to say I'll have to retract my offer again. My apologizes.
    It could take me a couple days to make 500k but I'll see what I can do. If someone wants to buy the chocolate cake before me, that's okay too. I only have a couple extra of the older festival skins: Skin: Bamboo Guardian and Accent: Call to the Sky.

    Usually during the festivals I'll sell what I have leftover after I grab what I want. I can always send those yer way.
    How much treasure are you hoping to get for the chocolate cake? I actually retracted my offer cause I felt like it could take me a bit to make enough to buy it from you. If you know an amount I can work towards it easier. Or if there are items you want maybe I can add that as well.
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