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  • Thank you so much, I am thinking if I should, I kind of want to get some Japanese Letter collectibles. :)
    Hi, I saw your thread about you looking for a June birthstone collectible, how much can you offer for it?
    Basically (And I think it's the same for Greninja?), you get two "boosts", one is used automatically when you do up B, and the other is used if once the first is finished and you move in a different direction. So what you end up doing is moving away from the ledge to get same distance and space, and then moving back towards the ledge to complete, otherwise you'll just go once and not get enough height, which is what happened to me.
    I always forget that Pikachu's recovery requires you to move in two different directions to get the second boost, so I end up just holding up and never get enough distance. ;-;
    Good games!

    Yeah, after I SD the first time I just gave up and tried spamming up damage, otherwise you'd have destroyed me.
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