Javocado Jul 1, 2015 Chose standard stage instead of omega so I quit soz I know sketch but whatevs it's easy on you anyway I got Ganon that time LOL
Chose standard stage instead of omega so I quit soz I know sketch but whatevs it's easy on you anyway I got Ganon that time LOL
Javocado Jul 1, 2015 Ok I'm too lazy to look that up but I'm guessing it's like 10 or 11 am best coast time so I'll see you then
Ok I'm too lazy to look that up but I'm guessing it's like 10 or 11 am best coast time so I'll see you then
Javocado Jun 30, 2015 alrighty just lemme know i just might not be free around that time tomorrow but i'm gonna be up for the next few hours if that's good with you(probs not but whatevs) if anything i'll catch ya wednesday
alrighty just lemme know i just might not be free around that time tomorrow but i'm gonna be up for the next few hours if that's good with you(probs not but whatevs) if anything i'll catch ya wednesday