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  • I’m likely heading out in a couple hours, but if you’d like to trade for those Pokémon now just let me know. ^_^
    Yeah, but that was before Anie started the giveaway, and before I was offered a better deal. Sure you can say "ohhh but it's dishonorableee" but just logically I'm not gonna waste currency, yeah?
    Okay, since you're not really keen on what bargaining is, I'll pass, no worries!♥ ((sorry if this sounds mean c: ))
    Probably within the next 20 minutes. I'll post on my giveaway thread when I do
    You are welcome to come over when you see my town open. But I'm still going to be open for other people and if there is a lot of interest I'll end the session and add more FCs so more people have the chance. Though it is first come first serve of who ever gets into my town first.
    over 100 million bells. I put them on the free space in my town. About half of it was picked up yesterday but there is still more and I'll post in my thread when I am open again. :)
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