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  • My internet is acting up. Its been doing this on and off all day. I can try again tomorrow sometime if u want
    alright, everytime i try to connect it says failed to connect to partners device. it wont let me
    I'll visit as many times I can before I have to take the dog for a walk in an hour or so, and sure you can
    Yeah that's fine, I just need to donate some stuff to my museum then I'll be able to come over
    Ok I’ll add your FC and head online. What’s your trainer name in game?
    Did you get my Trade rating? I tried to give you one but when I clicked "submit" it said "Sorry, but you must wait until 09-30-2018 at 10:33 PM before you can rate this person again." And I can't even view your ratings so I could see if the rating made it there or not D:
    Okay! When you are available let me know and we can set that up !
    rest well~
    I can leave bells for you to take everytime you visit if that's alright.
    I might just do that. I dont mind doing giveaways actually, I like being able to help but its a little hard keeping up with bells when everythong is happening at once. Since you wont be able to make it. but I do want to help you , we can set something up where I will give you bells for visits if you like and are up to it?
    I may just leave my town open with bells and check every so often because that way everyone can still participate bowever I know I wont be able to freely do so and so people would show up with no bells laid out. But I was also thinking to do a part two tomorrow or simply visit people's towns like the tooth fairy and leave bells, let me know what you think!
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