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  • i leave on christmas and be gone for 3 weeks, but my sister has internet so i can still come on here XD It be an interesting experience, never been out of my country before. How are you doing btw
    a friend of mine, hopefully he says yes because i dont really have anyone locally who knows animal crossing
    I'm going on holiday and i really dont wanna bring my game with me, so I'm not too sure what I can do about it and hopefully someone will look after it for me but i rather have all 10 villagers so no new person can try and appear when I'm gone. They will just be checking to make sure none of the villagers will leave.
    no worries~and nah he just stayed long enough, he took his time wanting to leave, I hope he does cause I don't have long.
    If you still want Kevin, he says he's going to leave on the 22nd, hopefully he will but I did say bye to him and tried my best to be nice to him.
    Hiya Lars XD
    I was wondering if you would be able to help me with an animal crossing challenge? Its one of the challenges for it being 5 years of animal crossing!
    Let me know, if you can't then thats oki X3
    Have a good weekend.
    Sorry, I only do delivery :(

    I don't have anywhere to put it on the ground, ayways :/
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