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  • ah sorry! I'm just waiting to see if the other person wants to come! I'm opening up in a few mins c:
    From our PMs: Yeah I want to do that as well~In the next year, I'll work on my my other town which is called Umbra. And use cards to get dreamies I want. What I need to find out is, if I can do anything if they put their house somewhere where I don't want.
    ofc :) I can get her in boxes anytime just let me know when Rodney is gone.. take your time if you need c:
    So sorry about that! Your question popped up just as I was saving the session! My nookling store is shut today for renovation anyway. You're welcome to come by another time.
    I'm sorry I only just received this! Their numbers are now changed to 37,39,11 and 6 if any of those are of interest.
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