Sorry had to wait for my cat to get off my lap.
Sure I can do now, give me a minute, it might be the same pokemon though as I haven't been playing any of my pokemon games (except emerald as i just got it).
I also do not know what GMT is... however, using the converter on google, it says it is 5 hours ahead of my time. I do not know when you are available, however, I am on now for a couple of hours, or you can let me know your availability. Thanks!
At the time i had only begun to get into breeding and stuff like that. I also had a lot of pokemon so i was arranging them in an order so that took a while.
That's cool XD
I've saved a lot of websites in bookmarks so I might try and rearrange those while trying out some more ultra sun or breed on my pokemon moon. Hope it goes well~
Yes and it's been helpful talking to a friend of mine about it so I found it easier to figure out more of the details for the stories. I just think the world around one of the stories might need some work at some point.
Well as said below, the training in moon is a bit awkward and I've been nervous doing so, till i figure it out better. I haven't really been on my older games, sorry about that. I will once I'm free to do so.
I believe the training in the other games is a little easier to figure out.
Ello Lars,
I've been good thank you and you~?
My stories are getting along well. It's slow and I'm taking the time to rewrite my notes neater so I can read it properly. But I've been able to focus on some of the important aspects of the characters well. Thank you for asking~
Which team~? In Moon or the older games? I've made some notes on what I want to breed right, I should do it soon as whenever I'm on GTS they want pokemon I have but I haven't bred with them yet so I can't give them away just yet.
In moon I've been a bit scared of training my pokemon because I'm confused at how much higher the stat will go with what option I choose, which is how much time I what them to be training. i might ask someone about it cause it confuses me still.