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  • If you have a random seedot for trading the other berry over that will be helpful XD
    If that's alright to give me a shiny, even though you've been getting a lot. I would need to catch some pokemon to trade over though as I haven't caught a lot.
    The books i have out are one is about a boy who wants to be a filmmaker, another is japanese poems and one other is a bookd to try and get better at sleeping.
    Not much, same old, same old i guess. Trying to get back into writing and reading at the moment~
    Oh I haven't watched too far. I remember originally watching the first series of it ages ago and now im trying out hunter x hunter 2011 one.
    Not much, i was watching an anime. Then was seeing my pokemon deck to see how it works.
    Sorry I've only seen this till now.
    I was just watching things, couldn't be really sure what to do today.
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