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  • Oooh, well if you have the highest offer before 12:00pm here, you're good. I would just have to wait till you're on.
    I don't know, all I saw was you gor off the the left somewhere, I spend a couple of seconds looking for you and then I hit the switch.
    And I was supposed to know that? You still disrespected my rules. My feedback was fair, and yours was not, so I've contacted a mod.
    Are you still available? I'll be open in a min.
    (Also, I read some of your reports since you wern't 100%, you seem nice but please don't leave the station :D )
    I'm sorry, your majesty. Do you even know how forums work? Do your part of going back to the thread you participated in. As long as I haven't promised everyone that I'd send a personal message before I head out, you can't get mad.

    Stop trying to convince me that I'm in the wrong, you're wasting your time. And stop trying to buy them off Money Hunter, for goodness sake.
    Nah, not really. It's only common sense to go BACK to the thread if you're feeling impatient (which I've seen you do two times). Some users may do it, which is cool, but it's not always the case. My mother is dependent, so I'm not gonna take the time to message EVERYONE that is waiting. So excuse me, Mr. Lars, for the inconvenience of not receiving your FREE hybrids as soon as you want them.
    I get that you were impatient. It's the way you're impatient. When there are people waiting for something, it's only natural to be. But it could've been done a whole lot nicer than that.
    I explained it to her, if you mean Money* Hunter.
    Please move on, Lars. They're gone. And you never asked to reserve them.

    And for the love of all that is holy, don't bother her.
    Unlike you, she wasn't rude.
    "No reservations."

    Only reason why I reserved everyone's hybrids anyway is because something came up IRL, so I announced that, and I didn't want to disappoint them in suddenly giving them away later. Reason why I didn't reserve YOURS was because of you being rude. Why go out of my way when it hasn't be promised beforehand someone so rude?

    Please stop messaging me with this. They're gone.
    Go on the thread and see my announcements. Something came up.
    And yes, your rudeness. I'm done with this convo, bye now.

    Come on now, you're as old as I am. Act your age.
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