Relicum_ Oct 13, 2014 Wat is daar zo vreemd aan? Ik zeg alleen maar dat ik Landgraaf daarom ken lolol.
Relicum_ Oct 13, 2014 Haha ja weet ik! M'n vriend woont ook in Zuid-Limburg dus ik ken het daar wel. En thanks, haha c: Ik ben 16, word ik februari 17. uwu
Haha ja weet ik! M'n vriend woont ook in Zuid-Limburg dus ik ken het daar wel. En thanks, haha c: Ik ben 16, word ik februari 17. uwu
princesse Oct 11, 2014 I can have the flowers ready. Not sure about the shoots. I've been tting and couldn't get that many of the starts you requested.
I can have the flowers ready. Not sure about the shoots. I've been tting and couldn't get that many of the starts you requested.
A A AndroGhostX Oct 7, 2014 Alright I guess I could clear up an area by my gate since my retail isn't that close to the gate. Or do you want to do it the retail way?
Alright I guess I could clear up an area by my gate since my retail isn't that close to the gate. Or do you want to do it the retail way?
A A AndroGhostX Oct 7, 2014 We could use the retail then. The highest price you can sell for is 999,999 bells. The bells I use to buy from the retail will be in your savings account the next day. So I guess keep putting clovers up for 999,999 until you reach 20 mil.
We could use the retail then. The highest price you can sell for is 999,999 bells. The bells I use to buy from the retail will be in your savings account the next day. So I guess keep putting clovers up for 999,999 until you reach 20 mil.
A A AndroGhostX Oct 7, 2014 I'd rather the trade happen in your town since my town doesn't have a lot of room.
Lee Oct 2, 2014 Hiya, I have your items ready and I've added you, so let me know if you'd rather come to my town or if you want me to come to you!
Hiya, I have your items ready and I've added you, so let me know if you'd rather come to my town or if you want me to come to you!