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  • Hello, station will be open in a minute if you want to come cataloging :) But please don't stay too long today, because I will be doing lot of traveling and trading.
    In hell... or somewhere closer :( Thing that happened yesterday was out of my control. This morning I was able to do one single trade, and the console didnt conect anymore. I asked about the issue with my internet provider, and told me I had a breaking in the security field, so as to protect itself or something from data stealing it simply would't connect to wi-fi. I waited the whole day for the IP reset... even now I have to wait until midnight to be able to run wi-fi again through the N3ds.
    But the three snow sets are ready, so the moment the clock reaches 00.00 I'll open the station if you want to come :)
    I have schooolwork at the moment so if you get online tonight at 10:00pm ill probably be on since its halloween in my town.
    Yes, and that's fine, just close your gates and open them again if you don't mind, it should come up on my list then
    Now this was the strangest thing ever happened to me with a console ¿? Unheard of! Or is it even normal and I dind't know?
    Sigh... well, we'll see again tomorrow :)
    TT is what I do, but even still, you have to do it many times because your mailbox will only accept ten items each time.
    Ok, finally, you can come over now. Payment is up to 110.000 bells.
    And remember to catalog the four missing Gullivers!
    Damn, NOW you tell me!...
    Then you have to wait five more minutes because I already had all set!
    Things are ready for you to come, but since you didn't answered me before, I only ordered the usual museum set.
    Total price was 89.412 bells, so 90.000 will be :)
    Uuups! :( Just now noticed I forgot four Gulliver items in my expo at the museum! Sorry, they will be there for you to cataloging next time you come.
    I'll star right nnow to getting things ready. Just a doubt about the museum, you want only the set properly said, or also the walls and floors and miniature from the owl girl?
    Nice! :) Come now first for the cataloging, and after I will order the others.
    Hum... ok, ok. Since you have come many times, I'll be a good girl and ask for the same price as it will cost me (rounding up), no more. How does sound? :)
    Station is open.
    You can come to my town if you want my turnip prices are 114. Feel free to come by, gifts are appreciated though ^^
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