Static_Luver Apr 29, 2014 Yes, that is what I am going to do tomorrow. Also, you have to wait your turn like everyone else. And no, I will not open my gate just for you.
Yes, that is what I am going to do tomorrow. Also, you have to wait your turn like everyone else. And no, I will not open my gate just for you.
Static_Luver Apr 29, 2014 Yes, I time travel alot. It is currently February in my game. And people can be there for awhile. You just have to wait
Yes, I time travel alot. It is currently February in my game. And people can be there for awhile. You just have to wait
Static_Luver Apr 29, 2014 Idk, I think they will be done soon then whoever come next will get to sell. And I will probably let people sell tomorrow too
Idk, I think they will be done soon then whoever come next will get to sell. And I will probably let people sell tomorrow too
Static_Luver Apr 29, 2014 No! First off some people have been waiting way longer than you have. You have to wait your turn. And second, that is a rude thing to do
No! First off some people have been waiting way longer than you have. You have to wait your turn. And second, that is a rude thing to do
L L littlepinkstars44 Apr 28, 2014 Give me 5 mins, just got someone coming to my town to give me something, then I'll be right there!
L L littlepinkstars44 Apr 28, 2014 Hi, sorry new to this place didn't know what VM's was? lol. Still want the pink wetsuit if you have it please
Hi, sorry new to this place didn't know what VM's was? lol. Still want the pink wetsuit if you have it please
mortimae Apr 27, 2014 Oh sorry, I just saw your message ^^; Still getting the hang of navigating the forums. I found someone who helped me out with my petition the other day, but thanks anyway.
Oh sorry, I just saw your message ^^; Still getting the hang of navigating the forums. I found someone who helped me out with my petition the other day, but thanks anyway.