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  • Basically every American holiday here I swear. And since I don't eat meat so it's kind of pointless cause it's always like TURKEY HAM HUGE PORTIONS OF MEAT, and I'm just over in the corner like, I hope they didn't put bacon in the green beans again...
    Oh, that's really neat! I am not a Christian so I don't really care much for Christmas for more than the presents, to me that's all it's about is a day to get together with your family and exchange well thought gifts with ones you love to celebrate the upcoming new year. =D I don't celebrate Easter and I don't really do much for Thanksgiving... Halloween is the only holiday I really care for. But if you knew me more it would make perfect sense, it's like a holiday made for people like me. =D
    I'm saving them for next Halloween, or when I feel spoopy, they are all really cute but they don't mesh with my candy well, since I'm the candy turt. People put pumpkin in everything, and I had an extra can so pumpkin pancakes sounded good. I've have pumpkin curry which I guess is like a soup, it's super good! Where do you live where pumpkin isn't everywhere and on everything?
    Yes I totally did, everyone wiped them out, and I still have a ton of the pumpkin whip that I've been eating with graham crackers. I still need to get some pictures of everything, I was SO busy making everything, I even made my friends pumpkin pancakes for breakfast on halloween! Also we have this giant bucket filled with candy that i leftover, so I am going to have lots of cavities really soon! And I put my cupcake away cause I wanted my candy out for now, but I am happy I have all three now!
    She ruinedd a few flowers and like 2 tree but shes in a good spot. I wanted her lamp but she replacedd it with a shirt.
    Hey I still come on this sometimes! I can add you on 3DS again if you need to re-add on it :)
    Ah really? Yeah same here, I was only lucky for one restock and missed/failed for all the others. :')
    And I'm fine, how about yourself?
    not atm ;P my friend still wants 5 later on as well, ill notify you if i ever do ;D
    I like her artwork (what little there is of hers, Nintendo needs more Daisy!), although they problably spend more time/effort in Peach since she's a main characther.
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