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  • I wasn't able to get the pumpkin cupcake, makes me regret not staying up for the first stock... but I seriously refreshed right at 7 and it lagged so bad I had to refresh and when I did the Cupcake was sold out but I got the candle and voodoo doll at least.
    I definitly will, I also have to get some pictures of my decorations when I finish getting them all up. =]
    I make them really good, they are like a mix of a hand pie and a scone SO good! I wish I could just have everyone from TBT over to my house for Halloween, it's going to be super fun!
    As long as it's real pumpkin it's really good, a lot of the "pumpkin spice" artificial flavors aren't very good. I'm going to make a pumpkin dip and pumpkin pasties for halloween this year =D
    Super tired, had broken sleep yesterday, and I also really want some pumpkin flavored everything...
    Really! That's an interesting detail! Well, for sure the Japanese ones have a different font! Hahaha :rolleyes:
    I don't mind the idea of any differences ... Having the card to fill in my collection is what's important to me ❤️
    Oh, that's cool ... I will have to check that out ... Nope, the Nookster hasn't arrived yet, but I am writing at around 10 AM ... My mail hasn't come yet :rolleyes:
    Yep, take your time haha. Just VM me when you're ready to visit. 6v6 I'll leave the gates open. If I don't respond, you can go ahead and just drop the items off and I'll pass the payment. Town name is Milk and mayor is Bean. Thank you!
    im pretty ok nothing in my life has changed at all
    i think i did well on a paper i turned in today tho
    The cards here (at least in my area) are always sold out tho. I only have one pack
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