RosieThePeppyCat Jun 16, 2015 No problem!! Sorry for taking so long to respond, I was on a long hiatus due to my real life social life xD
No problem!! Sorry for taking so long to respond, I was on a long hiatus due to my real life social life xD
RosieThePeppyCat Jun 16, 2015 Yay!! I added you!! Btw I love your avatar! I would make that mine if it wasn't already yours xD Callie and Marie <3 I love them! Callie is mah fav though :3
Yay!! I added you!! Btw I love your avatar! I would make that mine if it wasn't already yours xD Callie and Marie <3 I love them! Callie is mah fav though :3
JeffreyAC Jun 12, 2015 "No idea, I've never been into the battle aspect of pokémon." hahahaha just realized that I wrote this in MY profile instead of yours
"No idea, I've never been into the battle aspect of pokémon." hahahaha just realized that I wrote this in MY profile instead of yours
Bowie Jun 11, 2015 I'll do the same the next time I'm on my 3DS. Do you have Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U, by any chance?
I'll do the same the next time I'm on my 3DS. Do you have Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U, by any chance?
JeffreyAC Jun 11, 2015 Oddish is the only shiny I have bred on purpose, because of how cute shiny bellossom is. Lucky you!
Bowie Jun 11, 2015 Oh, of course I care! I'm glad you got everything back! So, does this mean I have to add you again?