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  • I owe ya 50 TBT, sorry buddy i honestly spent it all my TBT the golden mailbox because all the Pokemon request. I didnt know i was gonna ever have to give a refund, but no worries dude once i get the money I'll get it to you. i aint no rip off!
    It sucks because i was about to give you the birds and you had to leave during the trade ._.
    How much TBT was it again?
    Ah your offline and i just saw you online. ahhh. Well i'll refund ya. i dont like this either haha. Once you tell me how much TBT it was, i'll refund you immediately when I get back on.
    i didnt think you were staying up. you didnt need to do that over some pokemon you know that right?
    Plus recently you were gone for days, i was around a lot during 2 of those days.
    No need to mess up your sleep. i never have problems with anyone else but our timings for trade is just so off. after this that'll be our last trade so i dont put you through anymore trouble. sorry buddy.
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