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  • I'll give ya non shinies. Zapdos doesnt have original name though. Wanna take this one for now or dont want him? :O
    Sorry dude i collect but never as picky about a lot of stuff x.x which is cool with me, but makes me sad i cant fully satisfy a customer aha
    Waiiiiiit you dont want shiny birds right? I forgot the shiny ones are on this game and the nonshiny are in my other, i dont mind just whatever ya want :O
    Gonna trade someone one Pokemon first and than trade you right after! Im getting online now and I'll send you the trade request soon after. stay on :]
    There is no special forme of Xerneas. I mean there's Shiny than, but Shiny Xerneas is a hack since it's impossible to get a shiny one.Gen 6 Legends are the legends that are impossible to get shiny. (Xearneas,Yvetal, Diancie, etc.) I gave ya a normal Xearneas xD
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