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  • Take your time, and I think I can get all the new pokemon on your list for an extra 25 TBT :D
    No problemo.
    Your match is now due Saturday at 8PM PST.

    Timezones are a struggle, and I hope you guys can agree on a time or stay up later than usual haha.
    For all the smashers here: Time zone is GMT +2 but i never understand those time zones myself if someone gives them to me so to make it easier: i posted this at 2:50 pm (my time).
    I'm really busy tonight, will tomrrow, (exactly this time in 24 hours) be a good time to trade?
    Hmm, 8 stones and 5 pokemon, does 150-250 sound fair? ( I have no knowledge of prices)
    omg also I have the feeling ur like
    "why tf is this kid talking to me #ew"
    okay maybe not the hashtag part...
    Haha dangit man omg we always got off times and bad luck. I'll have all the nonshiny birds ready for you!
    Later on youre gonna have to make me a list of all the pokes I gave you that you want changed because id love to help you out and get them you. for now Adios buddy!
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