RosieThePeppyCat Apr 12, 2015 Okay, this is what you need to do [*Spoiler=(whatever you want the title to be] IMAGE IMAGE (you may need to do this [*/CENTER] around the image or whatever side you want it on) [/*Spoiler] Spoiler: (whatever) IMAGE [/*Spoiler] Remove stars lol.
Okay, this is what you need to do [*Spoiler=(whatever you want the title to be] IMAGE IMAGE (you may need to do this [*/CENTER] around the image or whatever side you want it on) [/*Spoiler] Spoiler: (whatever) IMAGE [/*Spoiler] Remove stars lol.
RosieThePeppyCat Apr 12, 2015 [*Spoiler=(whatever you wanna put)] IMAGE HERE [/*Spoiler] Take the * out and then you have it :3
RosieThePeppyCat Apr 12, 2015 Good, what about you? Btw does the EU club nintendo still able to resighter PIN codes? You could buy lots of PIN codes and then buy games (if the games are any good idk)
Good, what about you? Btw does the EU club nintendo still able to resighter PIN codes? You could buy lots of PIN codes and then buy games (if the games are any good idk)
RosieThePeppyCat Apr 12, 2015 Oh I forgot about that lol. Do you guys have a site where you can buy download codes anyways?
RosieThePeppyCat Apr 12, 2015 You have so much TBT! Pretty soon you would have enough for a video game!! Haha