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  • XD
    I've gotten more comments about this one than I have any other ones. I don't get what's so disturbing about it, lol.
    I mean, I get that it's disturbing, but why is this one the most disturbing one, I don't get.
    hmm now that you mentioned it I haven't added the people from the dream thread yet!! lol the thread is buried in some page right now XD
    I have 100 3ds friends but only about 6 on the wii u X3
    I can expect! I haven't seen the anime in a long time, admittedly, though... even if it was basically my childhood too.
    wow you're a cooler kid than I thought lol, you're even very skilled at mario kart! now I'm afraid to play smash with you, especially with the amiibo collection you have under your sleeve X3
    btw, when you do event missions in smash (if that's what they are called) can you do it with someone online or player 2 has to be local? hmmmm
    wow lars, you sure have a lot of friends here ^^
    and I wonder why you joined a cooking group, can you cook? :O
    sorry if it sound like I'm stalking, I just happened to notice now ^^'
    I'm a pretty big fan of it, and Greninja happens to be one of my favourites, so I'm a little more concerned about it, if only for collector's sakes. Come to think of it, I'm planning to get Charizard for basically the same reason.
    fine I guess~
    yesterday I forgot my 3ds at work so I couldn't play at all but I got it back today ^^
    oh and today I saw a message from someone who's silling to sell me the mermaid sofa!!! finally!! now I'm waiting for their reply!
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