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  • hey wanna come to my town? I want to show you my new map ;)
    or did you see it already??
    yeah that's right! tell me when you're ready :p
    btw, I have Luigi's mansion 2 and we can play that online as well ^^
    Just no mic slot really - there's slots for the controllers and memory cards in the top so that's useful!
    Congrats! I use my wii to play, so I have to use my r button instead to input commands!
    Perhaps not tonight, sorry: I kind of want to get to writing sometime soon. However, I'd be willing to do so again tomorrow unless we have other plans?
    Usually I'm a little luckier, but that could be because I mostly just do ten-floor towers. I think one time I had the entire party abandon me on the same floor, though, so... yeah, I know how that is.
    Really? I've only made it that far myself once. Every other time, I lost patience, we were all taken out or I had to go do something else.

    Agreed. It gives each tower its own sense of uniqueness, which I like. Prevents it from becoming stale.
    aww you're offline :eek:
    well, vm when you're on again so I can open my gate for you :3
    I might be able to, though I'm not entirely certain. Either way, if I need to leave and do something else, would you have a problem if I left?
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