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  • oh I didn't know you're gay, kitten :p
    I'm lesbian but I have a boyfriend once, we're only friends now ^^
    today was kinda tiring because I had to do a **** load of shopping for my new office! after I got home I tried to play the wonderful 101 but so far the game is so frikkin weird and hard! i looked up some videos to help me figure out what to do but I guess I should take a break from it now lol. do you have the game? I bought using my club nintendo coins which is awesome ^^
    aww :(
    btw, that n64 peach is actually kinda cute, I mean even with graphic limitations they put the effort to give her dem heels XD
    Well I think it's indeed a bargain, knowing it takes 150 medals to get them, I had it on a island today but didn't feel like making 14 tours to get them.:p
    I'm in EST time, so I can log anytime in the evening until late late late like 2am, just give me an hour (EST) where it's easier for you.
    Aww sorry I'm just on my way out for the night, I'll be playing at the weekend so will catch you then ^,^
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