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  • Sorry! I literally just got out of school 10 minutes ago so I should be home in around 30-49 minutes if that's fine for you? And Yoshi!
    hmm I've never played a mario party game before so I don't know what to expect :p
    back in the day the only party game I've ever played was a ps1 game called Crash Bash, the game got a 6 out of 10 rating but still I enjoyed every bit of it so in the end it's probably really depends on one's personal taste~
    I bet you noticed how terrible my english is XP
    We have 8. I guess we missed 9. :/ Time to use that Game Stop membership I just bought. Is it just me or are those Game Stop salesmen PUSHYYYYY? Oh God, and now I'm worried that you're a Game Stop employee!! LOL.
    I might buy this game because my brother really wants it but he might have a change in mind when he see the reviews....
    this is adorable! it seems like you really can't wait for the game
    but I'm disappointed with the reviews so I don't know
    I don't have any amiibo yet because amiibos originally were meant to be for smash and I kinda suck at that game lol
    so if I don't have amiibo the game would suck for me? hmmm...
    Well, I meant I've been back for a I was gone for 10? Maybe? I left right after the Easter egg hunt. :blush:
    dat mario though :B
    anyway, I added you!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~
    from now on if you want we can chat on the DREAM thread so everybody can see XD
    it's cool! the thread is kind of not as active lately, but we can change that *pinches cheek* ;)
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