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  • Hello! Thank you for complimenting my dream town! It's actually going through another big update this weekend. Eep but unfortunately, I'm terrible with keeping my QR codes, I usually snap pictures online rather than keeping the jpg files. But if I come across them again I'll forward the links to you. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.
    Aww, thank you so much :3
    Aww, she's adorable ^3^
    Kid cat has scary eyes imo. And Tabby is just... no words, man.
    It hurts my eyes tbh xD I think Rosie and Deena's conversations are far more varied in WW. I have Melba in my WW town as well, I love her ^u^
    I think I end up changing a few of my dreamies all the time cause I need different villagers, xD
    Yeah ^u^ Whitney's so cute and pretty, and she seems so awesome as well <3 She and Diana would be buddies, I know it.
    Ohh, I'm meant to be getting her from sorrynotsorry, but I haven't heard much about that :3 I'm interested, thank you ^3^
    Aha <3 When I got her in my first town she just sat there in the corner in a ranch chair and I was so in love <3 She moved right next to me, aha.
    Punchy is adorable. Rosie is the only Peppy I can stand xD Love triangle of kitties xD
    I hate having to go all the way downstairs to play a game. That's why the only AC games I have are WW and NL :rolleyes:
    Yeah, NL was my first game so I'm pretty new. I got WW for Christmas cause I felt like a newbie.
    Every 2 years would be best o:
    I found myself in April 2012 a day after making my second town.
    Aha, yeah :rolleyes: He's not a number one dreamie so I may change it, aha.
    Oh no, they're just my deer dreamies, Baha. I adopted Flurry earlier so she's on the list :3 I also got Punchy and Rosie as starters and I'm also looking for Whitney, Bob, and Marshal xD Fauna is the best man. I lost Molly. She's so adorable, she always sat on her chairs when I visited her, and her little flippers flapped around <3 Kiki is adorable. I have her in WW, and I had her in my first and second town ^u^
    Yup. I got used to it. This time round she moved right in front of Jitters.
    That's worse than the town hall D:
    I know! Things that need to be included in the next AC game.
    Nope. I may flunk the whole challenge baha :rolleyes:
    Yup, I think it's more tempting to tt at this stage of the game than any other time.
    Mine's vertical :3
    Probably not, I like trying out new villagers <3 I'm keeping Fauna and Diana forever, and am also looking for Beau and Bruce <3 I miss Lopez too he was amazing D; that stupid friend of mine xD
    I got someone to hold the items from my first town (Nirvana) and transfer them to Ohana.
    That's a good idea >.< In Ohana, Diana moved in front of my town hall. I forgave her eventually :rolleyes:
    Me too Don't tell anyone but I tted already and it's only been 2 days. I wanted Diana back and I wanted to do Ordinances and PWP's xD
    It depends! Maybe I have enough of the town, or maybe I grow to love it and create it well.
    I think Nirvana was the best layout as the river was pretty much straight in the middle o:
    Ik, I hate my brother :c I miss Beau and Fang especially :c And all my items that I've collected over the past 7/8 months :c
    Yeah, and I got Diana back as well c:
    You can, but just not tt or reset for character plots :]
    Plus my brother reset too early anyway so I lost Beau, Fang, Lolly, and Molly and Zell so :rolleyes:

    I lost all of the above plus Bill, Merengue, O'hare, Mira, and Cookie. Fauna is in fostering so she'll be moving back into my current town soon c:

    It's basically you have to restart, have your town for a year, and you can't tt, you have to donate your first finds to the museum, you aren't allowed to recieve furniture you can get in your own town, etc. If you look on the reset thread there's more aha c: You can change some of the rules to your own style of play, just not the tting one :3
    About 5 dreamies moved out due to tting, everything got messed up and the layout was bad D:
    I think I have! I hope xD
    Yeah L: I didn't like my town, and I think I have a tting problem, so my new years resolution is: no tting.
    I'd probably feel the same way if I was in your shoes :c I hope the blue feather makes up for the trouble I caused! D: Sorry again
    I know, I'm sorry. >.< Because of Christmas and new years I've been really busy and forgetful the past 2 weeks. The days I am actually available to trade I try to get as many trades done as possible and because of that I end up forgetting about other ones that I had scheduled :/
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