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  • Well, I'll be available today until 5pm PST. And if that doesn't work for you, we can do it tomorrow. :)
    Hey! I'm so sorry in advance for this delay. I have been caught up in numerous school events that have stopped me from playing AC completely. I am back to TBT and will gladly give you your prize, please list a time and your timezone and I will be sure to give you the prize.
    Definitely xD Hopefully people will continue to vote and post on that thread xD
    We both know it was nothing more than a discussion ^^
    But yes, I'm glad we finally understand each others views. Sometimes it's hard to portray context in just text xD
    Ha thank you, fingers crossed :D But there's been lots of writing entries. I wonder how they'll post them :O
    I agree with you. It's annoying to see copy and paste from google xD Maybe we're thinking too much about the contests xD
    I'm going offline shortly. Thanks for taking the time to speak with me away from the thread. Speak again soon.
    I think we both misunderstood each other xD (lost in translation xD)
    That's the last time I try to defend people anyway :L I hate disagreements.
    But by all means, give your opinion. Like you say, most people appreciate it.
    Oh xD I entered the writing contest but to be honest I'm embarrassed about it xD
    Good luck in the contests.^^
    Without a doubt our discussion got out of hand xD
    Please don't feel I'm picking elements and highlighting them to make you look bad. I'm not.
    I just wanted to make it clear that your approach was wrong and may seem offensive to some people. (to which I was trying to defend). I feel like we've looped our conversation xD
    Yes if you want I'll look after her :)
    All my dreamies recently moved out, so I won't have to worry about them coming back yet :) xx
    Hi :)
    I saw you wanted someone to look after Mint for you :)
    If you would like, I wouldn't mind doing it, I only have 9 villagers at the moment :)
    I promise I won't try to steal her, if you want I'll give you say, 1 million bells (almost all my money) and then when I return her you give the money back?
    She is cute, but not one of my dreamies anyway :)
    Thanks xx
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