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  • Ahahaha that's weird, the repeats. I'll see what else he's missing. Thanks so much. :D
    Please pick another time! The 5:00 slot is full! Only three people per time slot please!
    Thanks for the stuff, now I can help my boyfriend finish his space ship room. Let's trade again sometime! :D
    Let's do Sunday then because I'll be free that day! Ok I'll see what other flavors I can get or have with my other characters.
    I'm having a party on Saturday, would we be able to meet up on Friday or Sunday? I also found a couple of other flavors so I'll give those to you too. One of each? You want anything else? I have other Streetpass stuff.
    I'm in Seoul so it's UTC+09:00. I'm on every evening. Do you have the pink parka, crew's monitor, or stagehand hat? Kinda odd ones I know. lol
    Oh awesome! That sounds great. I have choco-soft serve, matcha soft-serve, vanilla soft-serve and strawberry ice cream. You're welcome to all those. I have some doubles of everything except matcha, so if you want more than one it's yours. When would you like to meet? Also your town or mine?
    Oh sure. Uh in exchange... well I don't know. You wouldn't happen to have the froggy chair or space captain's seat I could catalog? I like cataloging things. :)
    Hi! the other trader hasn't reply me so I guess I'll buy the flounder table from you first since I've already got your friend code. Shall we deal over at your town? :3
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