Too epic for words. Fang is a fancy little cranky :3 If you want to get yours done,it is for free at The Museum bored c: You can look for LittleBeary's free avatar thread,and you can ask there That is how I got my fancy avatar. C:
Hehe! xD Oh, thanks for that link! I've seen them around tumblr but I followed them now, too! x)
Aren't they? They do so many cute arts of the villagers too! x) Do you happen to have a tumblr? 'v'
Hello, just letting you know that you've won second place in my Royal Giveaway! Let me know when you'd like to claim your prize, you have 48 hours to do so!
That's so sweet, were you the commissioner (commissionee? xD) or the artist? Either way it's quite sweet!
And thank you, it's by an artist called justduet! Their stuff is pretty cute and shows up on here from time to time. x)
Oh wow! Someone who knows Yume Nikki (and enough to recognize the username too!). I've never actually gotten to play the game (no Mac ver. :<) but KIKIYAMA is my town name and a lot of the art in the town is directly taken from Yume Nikki art or inspired by it.
If you're interested, I'll post my dream address sometime in the near future and you should def. check it out! I'd love input from a Yume Nikki fan ♪(′∀`o)
that's so lucky! i was disappointed when i found out i was a normal type, no one would have bothered with me if it wasnt for ditto lmao.
no problem cutie! i'll be catching them all~ (i actually really like sunkern, i think its super cute lol!)~ you should post in the thread, i know quite a few people have been dying for grass safaris like me haha!
you dont know how long ive been looking for grass type safaris ahhh /)w(\
your three pokemon are: Sunkern, Swadloon and Gogoat! (in those exact orders)~
I added you for girl's day, but your FC didn't verify. Please make sure you added my correct code: it's the one from the top post. Also, I corrected the FC in my profile.