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  • My iPad is at one percent. I just sent you a pm. I'm sorry...please hold me for tomorrow! Again, I'm so sorry. I better go before this message gets cut off. :(. But...see you soon. :)
    Hey! I got Fauna from someone else, but I will still give you Colton once he pings because I already told you I would do so
    His move out date is tomorrow, and it's in my main town so I'll be playing quite a bit. I can hold him in my cycling town for you, but it might be harder to move him out.
    Omg I didn't know that posted so many times!! I can't trade with you, I'm in the United States, at GMT -5 and all the times you said are when I'm asleep or at school... I'm sorry :(
    Yes, I can come pick her up first. It'll be about an hour or so before I can trade, is that okay?
    your inbox was full, so ill put the message here!
    thanks for letting me know!!! sorry i havent been on much ;w; i havent been playing ac much either. busy busy busy
    but yes thank you!!!!! xoxo
    Colton has pinged and is going to be in boxes tomorrow! I am starting a thread in the trading plaza in case you don't get back to me in time, but trading for Fauna is still my priority and I will trade with you above others!
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