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  • I'm sorry if I just spouted a bunch of uneducated crap LOL. I really want to play more than just Symphonia and Abyss, so I think I'll probably try Berseria anyway at some point too. I just wonder if I'm being too picky about things or if I wasn't the only one!
    I did like what I saw of Mikleo too though! He had a sort of dry sense of humour, right? He was the only one that stood out from what I saw, but I could've just picked up the other characters wrongly, idk. Abyss feels more like Symphonia so far which is good, it makes me think that there must've been a change in writers somewhere along the line after Abyss, but I'm not sure? I don't think I know enough about the other games to really say either lol.

    You've still played more than me, and I'm glad that you've been able to tell me so much! I'd love it if you could tell me how the later games are once you've played more, if they're worth playing too. I know it's probably wrong of me to try to compare them all to Symphonia but you probably know how it is. When you enjoy a game so much you hope that the other games in the series meet that standard, it's a cruel curse sometimes omg. I guess it's a good idea to just enjoy them for what they are and not get hung up on your favourite.
    LMAO I saw all these messages before I went to bed last night and I was like "o god", don't apologise tho. I'm glad you were able to thoroughly answer my question!

    Tbh I think you hit the nail right on the head with what I was feeling about the game even from a first glance. I think the characters in Zestiria bothered me so much because they were more typical anime stereotypes and more two-dimensional, in a way. Idk how but Symphonia avoided that for the most part and all the characters were likeable and had suitable personalities for the age they were supposed to be, Colette maybe being the one exception. She felt more "typical" than the rest, but I really liked that the game actually had mature characters like Raine, Kratos and Sheena, and no one was depicted as this "shy and uncertain" hero, or the "overly polite girl/boy", or just over the top personalities in general. Idk why but I really can't stand that kind of characterisation lol. :s
    I haven't looked into it all that much so I don't know a whole lot, but I'm liking the looks of it more than Zesteria! Tbh I've only played Symphonia and a little bit of Abyss so far, and Zesteria looked so far removed from what I was used to in terms of characterisation, so I skipped it. But Berseria looks kind of... Idk, maybe a bit more serious? I like the look of the protagonists more than Zesteria's anyway! Have you played Zesteria? What's your thoughts on it? I'm curious to hear it from a more dedicated Tales fan.

    Velvet tho, omg. She actually looks amazing. That figure of her is gorgeous too asdfghj
    You're welcome! Are you looking forward to Berseria at the end of this month? I think I'll probably get it on PC too, it looks like it'll be pretty good!
    Hey, I saw you said it was your birthday today, so happy birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day! <3
    Yeah, seems they don't do that much anymore. :3
    Your welcome for sigs though. :D
    Do you want Bud?
    Unfortunately... Stitches and Marshal somehow gave him clothing in his house...
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