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  • Aww thank you! And don't worry about it!! I'm pretty chill with villagers moving in etc. It's my fault for not filling that last space in myself! Thank you so much for letting me know though that's so sweet.
    They should be open now! You can just wander around and find them yourself I don't mind! I'll help you locate some if you'd like though.
    Hi! If you haven't found any town to visit to collect your signatures yet, you're very welcome to come to mine~
    Hey! Do you still need somewhere to get signatures? If so my town is always open ^_^ (I'll add your fc if you are interested)
    Awesome, I have your order in my pockets now. I am by the gate already waiting for another town to appear but it seems you might beat them to it.
    Lethalia - Order ready
    Astrology set
    Aquarius Urn 4800
    Aries Rocking Chair 4800
    Cancer Table 4800
    Capricorn Ornament 4800
    Gemini Closet 4800
    Leo Sculpture 4800
    Libra Scale 4800
    Pisces Lamp 4800
    Sagittarius Arrow 4800
    Scorpio Lamp 4800
    Taurus Bathtub 4800
    Virgo Harp 4800 = 57,600 + fee = 60,000
    Adding your FC now. Add mine and if you are online respond to this message.
    You have an all bear town too?! That is sooo awesome! And we have some different villagers too! If you're ever around I'd love to trade visits sometime!
    Of course! Thanks so much I appreciate it! You didn't have to do that!!

    Thanks... I am cycling to get Blaire! Once I do that I may go back to recreating it...

    I can't wait to get Blaire so I can submit my dream town to everyone, I've worked on Kyoshi for way tooo long!! Lol

    Glad you got Rolf! He is way too cute to send to the void! :D
    Awesome! I am doing HW forever, on the last question, so I'll be AFK from my 3ds but just go talk to him so I don't have you waiting all night. =)
    Okay i've added you and opened my gates. You may walk to Rolf's house he is under the bridge on the left you'll see him! :)
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