reririx Sep 4, 2016 Opening gates. c: I'll be landscaping/planning so let me know if you need help finding someone or when you're done ^^
Opening gates. c: I'll be landscaping/planning so let me know if you need help finding someone or when you're done ^^
reririx Sep 4, 2016 I'm free now! I added your FC. c: Let me know when you're ready so I can open my gates!
reririx Sep 4, 2016 Yeah ofc. In a bit though, I am in a middle of something. I'll VM you when you can come by!
Brooke_the_Phoenix Sep 2, 2016 Hi, sorry I got the signatures last night and forgot to edit the post. I'd be happy to let you come to my town if you still need signatures though.
Hi, sorry I got the signatures last night and forgot to edit the post. I'd be happy to let you come to my town if you still need signatures though.
Jenn Chaos Sep 2, 2016 I'll take her, just tell me when you've added me. My friend code is 1950-9732-5737. Tell me your friend code as well
I'll take her, just tell me when you've added me. My friend code is 1950-9732-5737. Tell me your friend code as well
Agiledog Sep 2, 2016 Lethalia - Order ready Modern Wood Lamp 1680 Tennis Table 1800 Dolly 6800 = 10,280 + fee = 15,000 added your FC. Open your gate for delivery please.
Lethalia - Order ready Modern Wood Lamp 1680 Tennis Table 1800 Dolly 6800 = 10,280 + fee = 15,000 added your FC. Open your gate for delivery please.
Jenn Chaos Sep 2, 2016 I'm home! Just give me like twenty minutes to set up and do something else real quick!
Inka Sep 1, 2016 Thank you so much! It was my first time getting signatures so sorry for being a little awkward i'll leave rating as soon as I put my son to sleep, he really wants me to read him his books NOW
Thank you so much! It was my first time getting signatures so sorry for being a little awkward i'll leave rating as soon as I put my son to sleep, he really wants me to read him his books NOW