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  • Hey if youre free i wanna start moving my hybrids. I could probably drop like 100 off at a time but be warned theres a lot. I guess i could drop them off from my orog town and then pick them up as Petal from my new town :3 ill tip you in hybrids for all of this too!
    Okie cool i have a serious sunburn so im going to bed but i can trade pretty much anytime tomorrow!
    Yeah my 3DS was in a spotty area. I've opened, I dunno if I'll be awake by the time you get back though, who knows..
    Hey, i have like 12 or so violets ive saved for you, if ur free tomorrow ill drop them off c:
    Hey! I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye to you, I was away from the my DS :c Thank you for coming! ^.^
    Yes, sure. Here it goes:


    Send me a message if you have any trouble with the qrs. xx
    Nope don't need it more
    The rest I'm missing I already save them to trade tomorrow or next week
    But thanks
    hi there I just added you my FC for Caprica(my hybrid town is)4957-5990-8979 add me and i will open up my gates for you, thank you :)
    I have two violets for u whenever you want them! I think theyre both purple & free as always!
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