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  • Yeah idk what's going on today, I've been doing trades these past few days, and it's been fine. UPDATE*** Aron got in! It finally worked!
    It might be because two people are trying to come or my wifi is crap, wait till i leave a message, I will get you to come after, one at a time.
    Sorry, you responded a bit too late, I'm just about to get off since the two people who responded are finishing up. Thanks for taking interest!
    I see. I don't really talk to anyone on here that often. Mainly because I forget everyone's usernames, lel.
    I'm looking to have you, Haileyphi and JayTerror over later today, for some tours, shopping or whatever really :p I'll be around any time after about, say, two hours, so just message me whenever you're available so I can find what works for everyone :) are you interested?
    Hey! would you be interested in some tours today or tomorrow? I'm doing tours tonight at 8-8:30 EDT and basically whenever tomorrow lol. Drop me a VM if you're interested!~
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