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  • I'm sure you're going to do well on your tests, especially since you've been working so hard at getting your assignments in and in on time. The harder you work the better your results. Sometimes that's not always the case though so don't be discouraged if you didn't make the grade you thought you would. It happens to everyone at some point :)
    Oh dear! The Government does seem to always find a way to trouble people. I believe your parents will find a way to work it out so don't worry :)
    And AWESOME on keeping up with your assignments! Keep up the good work Star Fire and you'll go places you never dreamed of!
    Kidd moved out. He can't move back in until 16 villagers "cycle" out first. I am too attached to my villagers to do that. Besides, I already have a memorial site for him. :) Thank you though. May I visit sometime?
    NOOOOOOOOOO......... I AM NOT LOOKING TO CYCLE!!!!!!! I don't want to buy him or get him back I just want to visit him..... :( My town is full atm. And my boyfriend would kill me if I moved out any of our villagers. Besides.... I would ave to cycle 16 right? I would have 13 left to go. Please don't make Kidd move out. He's great. :)
    GOOD LUCK! I'm gonna play nintendogs and go to McDonalds and eat ;_; and you saw my pm BE CAREFUL WATCH THE NEWS ;_; I don't wanna go to schooooooooool tomorrow :mad:
    oh sorry i didn't know c': i just wanted to let you know that i am ok for now, i don't think i'll be transferring the bells just yet, but if i do decide to i will ask you first! c:
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