Mints Sep 7, 2014 Okay that's great Give me a second though, I'm i in trade with another person. Thanks
starlark Sep 1, 2014 Yeah! That's absolutely fine. I just got Pokèmon X so my parents are fine with me staying up xD
starlark Aug 31, 2014 Agh, hold on, it's movie night here! So sorry! I'll only be an hour or so, I hope you're okay with that,
Agh, hold on, it's movie night here! So sorry! I'll only be an hour or so, I hope you're okay with that,
starlark Aug 31, 2014 agh! sorry i didn't reply, wifi got shut off and i was shunted to bed reply when you see this plz!
starlark Aug 30, 2014 You can keep em xD I have a lot of junk sitting in my town. I'll let you know when I can come over, and also when I get a new cartridge!
You can keep em xD I have a lot of junk sitting in my town. I'll let you know when I can come over, and also when I get a new cartridge!