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  • Sure! If you really wanna...I'm doing a trade with someone currently. From my understanding, if they save and continue after I drop an item or two, and then end session/ save and quit, I won't have anything they gave me if they did but they'll have their stuff.
    I can try dropping random pieces of junk xD
    You really don't wanna do that! :eek:
    But if you wanna test...I suggest exiting using the home screen button, switching off/exiting without saving.
    Kind of but kind of not. It still corrupts occassionally but I just power off and go back to the title screen and my town is still there. It's a pain having Isabelle freaking telling me all the stuff I know.
    Cripes, I totally forgot! Are you still here? CAN YOU PICK UP YOUR STUFF I DON'T WANT YOU TO LOSE IT ALL ;A;
    I have to go to bed now, it's nearly 11pm ;-;
    I'm so so sorry! please please please VM me as soon as you can. My timezone is GMT+1 if that helps :3
    Oh right sorry I'm just waiting on a trade c: it's only two roses so I'll try and be as quick as possible :3 sorry for the delay sumsum! (Can I call you that? XD)
    of course! sorry for not contacting you, I wasn't sure when you were on right now c: I'll message you in game when I'm ready, beware there are fireworks going on!
    I've added you and my gates are open, so when you're ready come over and I'll lead you to her house :)
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