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  • Yay! hehe, I got a little jealous in the "stalk the person above you" thread. DON'T LOOK *covers your eyes*

    I've never even thought of that, it's crazy! AND YES THATS WHO IT REMINDS ME OF! XD Oh! I finally remembered this thing I wanted to show you.
    that was lame. I know. I lost the picture for it which made it 10x better. ):
    Have fuuuun! What game?

    *grins* Hehe, this is so cute and so dark, creepy, fulfilling, and absolutely satisfying. I want to see this happen too!

    Btw, might want to post for Shinohara before the conversation moves way too fast.
    Oooh, I'm so hyped now. They do make the perfect pair~ They work so nice together. hehe.

    Ooooh, my gosh! He'll be so happy about that too! Like so happy but feeling an empty, hollow feeling at the same time too. Like he's missing something~

    Definitely. (Oh, no worries~)

    I did? How? o_O
    Nooo I've embarrassed you again alee-chan v-v Please forgive me, I'll learn! FOR YOU *-*
    Hehe you're my bae and that's all that matters <3 (KARMINNY PLS STOP OMG YOU MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IM CHEATING ON MY BAE)

    Oh my gosh, that feels perfect. Hide is one of my favs, so I'm honored! You remind me of Hinami-Chan because I literally NEVER see you be mean/ greedy/ selfish. Your typing style is unique though, I'm not sure of who that reminds me of.
    Ah you're right! But I don't mean the jealously that turns into envy. I mean that jealousy that makes you admire a person 10x more than you did before. That kind. <3 & I'm so glad too! Thy bae is thy best bae. (omg ew)

    Hehe I type like a weirdo, but thank you!! H-hide? Really? HOW!? YOU MUST TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm super excited as well!~ They do fit each other. :3 Very hard to tear them apart~

    Hm... yes, it works. Jasper's free and he gets all this from him. :eek: Jasper will be a sadistic little master, killing for his own enjoyment like Charles. Imagine if he gets married to someone later on and has her killed off just like Monica was for Charles. hehe. #connections *wipes tear* They grow up so fast, don't they?

    Oooh, yay! Let's start this up! :3

    I knew it was too far. *hides*
    I'm JEALOUS and there's nothing you can do about it! D:<
    You know what else I'm jealous about w/ you! Your way of typing, it's adorable! AH finally, I've been wanting to say that for awhile now.

    but omg VVV Kaneki's tissue blood what is this D:
    Yes! Exactly!

    Ooooh, yes! I love that idea.

    Mmhmm! We will savor it~ Savor it as Tsukiyama would savor tasting Kaneki Ken's tissue blood. (too far?)
    Ooooh, my gosh. You are a genius. I love you so much right now. <3


    Oh, my... that makes me sad but I want to do it now... it's so perfect and poetic. ;w;

    Hehe, yay!~
    Hehe I think it sounds weird, but if you like it.. then it's alright <3
    I actually really dislike my name, I kind of wish I had a prettier one.. I'm not saying this because we're baes/ or because I'm trying to be nice but I honestly think your name is really pretty. :\\ I'm jealous.

    Hehe she's talking to me about her relationship issues, so she needs a shoulder to cry on.
    Hm... guess I'll have to try harder then. ;3
    *grins* Yay! So glad you like it~ and yes, he had to trip. It had to happen. Plus, maybe his new injury might help him out in the interrogation?

    Oh, hm... well, Jasper is lost, scared, confused. Charles knows how to deal with that, right? He won't rebel anymore. He'll listen now. <3
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