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  • *cough* He's still a bit clingy to Charles so if Charles shows up, he'll stick back to him~

    But if he sees the other servants, it'll draw the wedge even wider.
    Posted for Jasper. I hope I didn't break any hearts. I actually feel sad for him now. ;w;
    Aaah im sorry! My friend texted me, and I got a bit distracted by something..

    And nope, but don't worry everybody thinks it's that way. I actually like it better that way but the true way it prub-huh. but don't say it that way! I like it the way you pronounce it!
    Isn't he acting totally strange in re: though? Like when he was in that one battle with that CCG investigator and he warped his face to Arimas... I'm so confused about what he's after. I'm also wondering how strong he really is. He's a man full of mysteries, I tell ya.

    Not at you, just at the fact that I was stupid xD Like how I assumed, and blah blah.
    Wait ooooh I don't know which one I like better! I kind of like the alley way of pronouncing it better, I think it sounds good with -chan so I'll use that lol! WAIT. HERE'S THE REAL TEST ...
    how do you pronounce mine? 99.8% of every human being in the world gets this wrong.
    Even though he's the evilest character in tokyo ghoul, sure he's totally kawaii.

    Oh yeah.. I did think it was at first and I was a little upset buuuut it's all good now! awwwww of course <3 I know, I was jumping to conclusions because of last night o:

    eeeh!? I PRONOUNCE YOUR NAME LIKE.. Ah-lee.. (and the two ees, sound like the ees in bee)
    IM PROBABLY TOTALLY OFF THOUGH, IM SORRY! I HAVE NO CLUE. like you know how bad I am from "Susuya"
    AW he looks like a little girl that's excited..D'AWWWW.

    ooomg what did I do?! IM SO SORRY MY GOSH. I was wondering why I didn't get a picture of Kaneki + a question asking me how my day is going.. I started to panic. Then (please excuse my stalkerish ways) I saw you were on earlier, and I thought you were ignoring me.. and I was like "oh no what have I done"
    hehehe well you better get used to it, I tend to embarrass myself quite often!
    Hmm.. If you prefer your actual name then how about Alee-chan? ALEE CHAN SOUNDS ADORABLE OMG.
    I was just working on our about page for the site and I think it's perfect now. Heh~

    Btw, are you going to post in the RP? :3

    OH NO. Haha oh well. That's why Myst said "she's totally telling me what to say".. I was so confused because I thought you went to bed. In my head I was like... "What's going on"
    Awwww you felt embarrassed for me <3 AAAWW <3 thank youuuu
    WHAT IF I CALL YOU LOLI-CHAN, I think it sounds adorable but idk.
    Oh my gosh! I didn't even think that sounded intimidating at all *feels kind of confident because I'm not a weakling*
    Haha, I wouldn't expect to get gifts or anything! I was just really super duper surprised, and got a bit excited x.x

    w-wha... everyone? WHOS EVERYONE, AND WHY WERE THEY LAUGHING omg did I embarass myself big time.. WERE THEY WATCHING ME, ARE THEY WATCHING ME RIGHT NOW!?... I'm going to use your phrase and say.. SHOT (nevermind, that doesn't work with me xD)
    I WAS TOTALLY GOING TO KILL YOU- with hugs for sending me the present xD
    Aw nooo I was kidding! Plus I got really confused since the person who sent me it said "PrabPup4eva" and thought it was a shipper.. then I got a message from Myst and stuff. xD Hehe I just wanted to ask you because I was confused :p

    I have to repay you somehow, i'll think of something (;
    but forgive me for that message, it was 12 am + I was tired, and wasn't thinking about what you'd assume! ): bae forgive me
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