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  • *squeals* You can make up how the rats react~

    Whether they dig fatally is up to you but I like want to do it please. >w<
    Oh, my... X'D

    Btw, this is the torture method Jasper is using:

    "Being in an enclosure with rats is torture enough; but apparently, this is not enough for medieval times. One of the most sadistic of all torture techniques involved having a cage with one open side strapped against the victim’s body. It would then be filled with large rodents and a heating element which would be placed on the other side of the cage. The rodents’ natural instinct led them to flee the intense heat. In order to escape they would burrow through the victim’s body with fatal results."
    Yeah! I just made it a couple hours ago.
    x.x it's embarrassing though. Prabha was taken, so I put PrabhaKen omg *dies*

    You are too nice...
    I- I don't deserve such kindness. I'm a monster. ;w;

    Enjoy your food!~
    I also think I may get around to making that Tokyo Ghoul rp.

    I feel like roleplaying again now, and I actually have time- courtesy of spring break.
    i'm excited to join too~
    makes me wonder what rps would be easier for me to participate in, bloody and horror filled or adventure or slice of life etc! either way i can't wait to join.
    Hmm. I thought I posted a vm on your page about a week ago.
    Anyways, I'm doing okay, thanks for asking.
    It's nice to hear from you again <3
    thank you so much, i sent them a pm. <3
    you're such a sweetie i appreciate your help~
    is leela's username leela? :D if not, what is it so i can search them up!

    and aww thank you! i'm so excited to dabble in it because anything to help improve my writing ability is a plus in my book!
    horror works for me, i love gore / blood whatever.

    i'll definitely look into that as well. so song as they are okay with a total noob /trying/ to participate.
    i think i'd be better off joining yours when you make it~ shoot me a heads up when you do? : )
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