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  • no no no nooooo i'm so envious. i've never role played before and i'm much too nervous to really try. ( plus i always miss the starts) haha. * is still envious *
    Haha nooo I do too! Baes cannOT be creepy just bc they want to hug u. * hugs *
    ugh, you're so right about the allergies. I get horrible allergies in the spring and summer *sniffs* But you have to wear so much clothing in the winter. Like 3 layers of socks, and giant sweaters!

    Yeah, it's always a tough decision picking between remake and original. Like sailor moon, and full metal alchemist.. I think their remakes are better...
    OMG OMG OMG WHAT IF IN LIKE 5 YEARS.. They entirely remade Tokyo Ghoul.. Gosh. But what can they add? It's already perfect.

    I think I'll get mario cart then! I'm still going to wait a little bit until I redeem... Just Incase my little cousin wants a game on there instead. His birthday is coming up, so it'd be a nice little gift. But I think I want to actually buy him a physical copy, so I'm going to wait and see.

    -Skype is still downloading what the heck-
    OH! So your pacific time then! Haha then we're not that far away *reaches hand out*
    NO YOU DO NOT. I'm in NY and it's freezing all of the time. It's horrible, I'm so glad spring is coming <3 it's been such a harsh winter.

    Yes! I'm watching the original. Turns out the remake has 40 minute episodes, and really isn't much different than the original.

    And I need your opinion! I'm picking my elite status reward on club nintendo, but I'm not sure which game to get!
    I'm thinking mario cart 7, or Yoshis new island... Or even Mario bros 2... IM SO CONFUSED
    Im guessing you're Utc then? So it'd be around 6 right now for you?
    Wow you don't have daylight savings?! That must be nice.. I have when the clock is set ahead... I get less sleep ):

    Yay I'm going to watch it after psycho pass then! And I still have yet to make the Skype account, I WILL DO IT NOW.

    plus I just scrambled the order of this conversation but oh well.
    I totally forgot! I know you're offline but just saying this so I don't forget..
    WHO WON YOUR GFX CONTEST? I missed out!
    It's just me and blue on right now if you want to come see the pink floating cows! ^-^
    Haha I know! He's probably fed up with all our drama, and it's so funny! BUT I STILL FEEL BAD FOR DISAPPEARING, never again! I'll stay... at anteiku. I need to stop acting like Kaneki!
    *hugs back*

    Oh... THERE'S A REMASTERED AND ORIGINAL? oh god no.. which one am I watching...? I hate when this happens.
    I just looked her up! Heeeeey... if she looks like you... then.. c-co-cospl. NVM. xD
    Wait, it might be able to impress me as much as tg?! Oh my gawd, I hope so!

    Err I don't know.. I don't want to make you stay up! It's okay, I'll be home in an hour and I'll make one and we can exchange whatever tomorrow!
    I'm still waiting for someone to show up, so I'm just scrolling on bell tree. What timezone are you by the way? I've always wondered since we're sometimes on at different times :p I'm eastern time.
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