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  • I've finally caught up (large images)

    I'm feeling many emotions having read 5 chapters at once.
    What if Tsukiyama makes Kaneki remember O: #SHUUNEKI #TSUKIKANE
    You don't have to apologize, it's out of your control, really. I'm glad you are feeling better~
    Mwuahahha yes accept it! <3

    AWW!!! Well I hope you recover fully soon!! ; v; I'm so glad to hear you are a little better at least though!!! Ohh!~ What kind of project are you working on?~

    I've been working on my new profile layout for my GFX shop!~ I literally just finished hahaha!! It took days to finish omg ; v; I'm so happy at how it came out though!!
    Oh no! Are you ok? ;w;
    Ah, that's alright. I practically live on here an wattpad xD
    I have no idea ahahaha XD Shhhhh just accept it x]

    THAT'S GREAT!!! I'm happy you feel a lot better!! > v< What have you been up to, aside from being sick? XD
    NO you never write too much. I mean like write a lot. BUT it's not too much, like it's good even though it's a lot. A lot is good! But it's really not a lot, it's a medium amount sort of.. but it's uh.. whatever forget it. But I don't care, I love everything you write, so it's okay <3

    Haha it's hard for me to even comprehend, let alone put into words. I'm glad you're feeling inspired though c; btw it's sort of off-topic but I still have those Kaneki love notes you made for me awhile back. *creepy*
    I mean... I wouldn't really have a preference. Honestly, you have and always do put in so much effort in whatever you set your mind to, so I always appreciate anything you give me.

    You're so talented with writing though. urhghrh you never share your beautiful stories with me though ; - ;
    But you're right, I don't think it's possible to sum up our friendship into words. <3 It's so hard to respond to that though.. you're so wow when it comes to writing, you know.
    No need to apologize at all!!! > v<

    Oh no!! D: I hope you get better soon!!! ; __ ;
    Hi, Alee! <3

    Sorry for the super late reply! ;u; I was working on a drawing ever since I got home
    Hiii!! It was super fun playing with you and Evvie!! Let me know next time you guys play!~ I'm heading off for a bit! <3
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