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  • Aw, don't worry about it! It's okay ;u;

    Have a goodnight and sleep well! <3 I'll talk to you later!
    You and your fiance are such wonderful cooks. <3 I wish I could eat everything you guys make!
    Oh, and my day has been great. It was still fun even if we didn't go out to dinner like originally planned

    Oh no! ;A; Did you take medicine for your headache? How long has it been there?
    You're very welcome! <3

    GARLIC BREAD AND LASAGNA HJBDAHGDSA OMG lasagna is heaven to me-- especially homemade lasagna. *u* Thinking about it with garlic bread, which is a perfect complement to it, makes me so hungry.

    Aw, it's okay! Please take your time!
    Yay! I'm really happy to hear that <3 You two are so cute!

    What kind of food did he make? ouo Oh and do you have your recipe for enchiladas? I still want to try and make them!
    Oh, I understand.. I'm sorry for mentioning it. ;u; I hope you had a great day regardless! <3
    We browsed some shops and had fun, but my dad wanted to go home early to watch sports on tv. So now I'm here again xD

    Do you have anything planned for today?
    Lol, that's fine. Sleep is more important!

    Yuss! I feel the same way when I'm writing posts recently. I mean, I felt like that before but now it's gotten really intense! Also I edited my post a tiny bit because Ethre pointed out that it seemed like Sendo was literally ripping his arm off, not slicing through with the cords, haha.
    It's Father's Day today, so I have to get going. My whole family's going to all my dad's favorite shops, and then later to his favorite diner

    I'll talk to you later! *huggles*
    Aw, no worries! That is super adorable. ;u; You and your fiance are so precious together!

    AHH THANK YOU. It was wonderful to be outside, since I'm always sitting on my butt doing nothing. I channeled my inner Sanic the whole time.

    How are you? <3
    LOL Tsukiyama's facial expressions are absolutely terrifying (And yet I can't stop laughing XD) omg

    Aww, maybe you can bundle up with some blankets? ;u; You deserve to feel comfortable too <3

    My day was great! I went to the park today and walked over a mile!
    Thank you! *bows* Alrighty~ Well I need some sleep too, so I'll probably be heading off to bed myself.

    Also I knowww, me too! I'm so excited, and I definitely agree about everyone's character development! It makes me really look forward to every new post!
    Snickers is the solution to everything!

    I'm great! Attempting to type on my phone, so my replies will be super slow ;u; How was your day?
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