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  • > Yup.
    > That's great! *grins* I'm so glad they're working!
    > That works. And why was his father the first business job? What kind of job do his siblings have?

    I would but I actually have to leave the house soon. >.<
    > He could own one...
    > Agreed.
    > Oh, where does his mother live? Why is his father out of the picture? What are the siblings like? Older? Younger?
    Aww I understand then. ): well I'm glad you're still going to do it even if you have to do it all over again! Oooh that's a tough decision for your fiancée.... Hm I'd never be able to pick.

    Gosh I didn't even hear that he was getting an OVA... What is it going to be about? His life story or? Btw.. Kind of weird in the manga when Haise looks at Arima as his dad .. In my head I just want to say "NOOO Haise! Your dad is just using you!" WHY IS THE CCG USING HIM ): UGH.
    Did they also confirm a 3rd season? Like annouce it? Some people told me that they weren't going to animate re: and it made me so sad...
    > Maybe your bad guy owns one? ;) Yeah... develop the setting some more first.
    > I love it! It's kind of how I'm giving DH a bad ending and PG a good ending. <3
    > Niice.
    > np.
    > Oh, hm... what is his father/mother like? Do they approve of what he's doing? Any siblings? Appearance?
    and omg that's so absolutely adorable. You guys are so perfect for eachother! I swear!
    *SIGHS OF RELIEF* OH MY GOD. Thank goodness. I was crossing my fingers that you were going as him because I thought you weren't anymore. YAY I am still excited to see it! Did the wig turn out okay? Are you still going to match Susuya with another character with your Fiancee?

    Heeheh yeah I really do hope he is Kaneki because then two of my favorite anime people are one. (bolded anime so you wouldn't get jealous xD jk) I DONT LIKE HIM EITHER, AND THEY MADE HIS CHIN VERY LARGE IN THE ANIME. It's literally huge like if he was a ghoul.. That could be his kagune o.o
    > Boars? Well, you kind of need a theme for animals. Maybe you should think out a town name? Location? Climate? That way, it falls nicely together.
    > Yes! Eerie suspense is good!
    > Perfect title.
    > Oooh, sounds awesome.
    > Oooh, okay. I hope you have fun with him. Btw, how old is he?

    No worries!
    > What kind of wildlife? What kinds of animals live there? Any dangerous ones? Any poisonous plants found?
    > Agreed.
    > Oooh, that sounds good. Like the trust eerily leads to no one believing them?

    > Oooh, ultimate jerk sounds great! Makes total sense.
    > Oh, so he's the manipulation, get other people to do the work for him? I see.
    > Who will play as him? Btw, how are my questions? Are they helping?
    ALSO I REALLY WANTED TO SEE THE ARIMA FIGHT! I was disappointed but I guess I get it since that'd be too much censoring.
    Haha that really made me laugh! I feel like I can imagine your fiancée's reaction to you right now, and I can't stop laughing xD

    NO. nooooooooooooo. SHE DID WHAT?! You know what I'm glad you don't care! You deserve better :// that's interesting though, what are you planning as going as for these ones?

    I wanted to see Haise too heheheheh YAY you're not calling him Oreo kun anymore! Haise is gonna get his memories back soon though... I'm kind of confused if Haise is Kaneki, or if it's like a Rize/ Kaneki relationship wih Haise and Kaneki.
    I pretty much just go with the fact that Haise is Kaneki though. BUT YOU SEE WHY I LOVE HIM? He's so cute and dorky. (Liiiike... You knooow whooooo)
    oh no... I am ranting about Haise now.
    IM LITERALLY SQUEALING TOO BECAUSE IT FEELS SO NICE TO BE MISSED (I wouldn't know the feeling *sighs*) but literally I like hated myself for disappearing without at least telling you that I wouldn't be on much for awhile. ): pssssh I'd rather not talk about what happened but I'm like so happy that my being here makes you feel better about that! (I'm hoping your reunion with your brother went ok? Hopefully it did!!!)

    But gosh firstly HOW DID YOUR SUSUYA COSPLAY TURN OUT? HOW DID IT ALL GO ACTUALLY? oh my gosh just too excited to hear.

    AND TOKYO GHOUL ENDED. YEAH. What the heck. Unravel (theme song) playing while Kaneki held Hide literally made me tear up! HIDE WHY ARE U SUCH A PERF FRIEND. I swear, you're my hide. Literally. <3 <3
    Yo Lolipup. (hide reference, lolz) ... Um.. h-hi. I have a lot of explaining to do, I know I know and you're probably like crazy upset at me. AND IM SO SORRY FOR LEAVING!
    Alright well I could go explaining all these intricate excuses on why I wasn't on but I'm just gonna say, life happened.
    -On another note, I have so much to talk to you about and IM LIKE FOREVER IN YOUR DEBT FOR YOU ALWAYS MISSING ME WHEN IM NOT ON. It's like so nice *~* *cries uncontrollably*

    but as a starter- hows your day going? :)
    > Oh, hm... I'm not sure how many people. It depends on the size of the town and how many houses are there.
    > Oooh, cool!
    > Oh, do you want this said trust to shatter during the RP? Does anyone in the town seem shady and hate the others?
    > Oh, I see. How many allies? Any wealthy ones?
    > How does he get away with the other crimes? Does he use any weapons or anything? What are his methods?
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