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  • Small town. How many people live there? What's the weather like? Does everyone know everyone? Does the mastermind have any allies? Has he done this scam before? Is this his first time?

    Totally sure.
    Why was it being shut down? Who is this mastermind? What is he like? Where is he from?

    You do well!

    My ideas is to ask you questions.
    Oh, hm... why did they get the idea for the black market tho?

    Yes, you do!

    Oooh, I'll definitely help! Breaks are good. <3
    I guess a crooked hospital would work. It seems like a good idea. And yes, insane characters are awesome!

    Aww... you have amazing ideas! *hugs*

    Btw, when do you plan to make it? I need like a week cooling off after the mansion ends before I join another serious RP. >.<
    Oh, well, um... an insane asylum has already been done on TBT so it might look like you're copying their idea... >.<
    I can't decide on a favourite, but it's between Luka and Gumi. Luka has been my favourite for a while (she's even in my avatar) but I've heard a couple of Gumi songs that made me cry and now I have no idea who I like more.

    I'll probably also get Myst's opinions, and reserve her a space if she wants to join.

    I'll have to introduce a limit then. Maybe maximum six or seven users? I don't want it to be a massive thing; just a little fun. Plus, when I was trying to maintain a role-play with, like, 15 people, I felt responsible for keeping them all entertained and there was a lot of pressure.

    (dinner time, I'll be gone for a while)
    Finally, someone else who knows VOCALOID! So much of my work is inspired by VOCALOID (even one of the poems in that series tells the same story as one of the songs) but unfortunately no one really notices. The kingdom in the role-play is even based on how it is described in the song. And now I kind of want to read a story called Death Death Park of Death...

    All I really need is for a few people to pick favourites :) I won't be able to decide which one to choose otherwise. Thanks for reserving me a place!

    Also, do you limit the amount of people allowed in a role-play? One of the reasons for mine being abandoned was that so many people joined I couldn't keep track of the story lines, since there was no limit.
    Sure, I'll let you know via VM when I publish. I have a poetry series but I don't count that as a novel. The series has creeped my IRL friends out.

    Ooh, role-play names are hard. My abandoned role-play was called Daughter of Evil. As long as the name isn't terrible, most users will check out the RP due to curiosity, and once they know what it's about, the title doesn't really matter anymore :) I get that you want a nice name so you can proudly tell people that you made the RP lol

    Yes, as soon as I've finished the work I'm doing now, I'll start drafting ideas. I need to think about what genres I'd like most. I'll let you know about my ideas when I draft them so you can have a look. Also, I'll reserve a place for you in the RP.
    I have a few under construction, but unfortunately none of my novels have been published yet (although hopefully I'll get one started on Wattpad soon).

    Hmm, I guess you could call it a "Health Care Institution" so it covers physical and mental health concerns. That would allow you to have a larger variety of characters. Although, I think most people would go for a mental health patient over a physically injured person because they might want more eccentric characters.

    I like it to progress like a storybook ^^

    Ooh, now I want to start it now! Maybe I'll do it in a couple of days, because then I can RP over the Easter Holiday (3rd-19th April). I think I might like a mystery role-play, or a fantasy one... there are so many genres I want to use, and I can't use them all >_<
    (read the other VM first)

    Nothing dramatic had happened in a while, and I was planning an absence from the forums, so I killed off my character by having her drown in the sea outside. Basically, this crazy girl - Tira - thought my character, Penny, was her best friend, but Penny didn't like her as much. When Tira found out that Penny was scared of her, she became angry and started chasing Penny with a weapon. Penny jumped out an open window and fell on to some rocks outside, breaking her leg (the asylum was on a peninsula). Then, guards tried to chase her to get her back in the building, so she tried to drag herself away but fell in the stormy sea and drowned. After her death, people started mourning and crying because my character was way more popular than I realised, then almost everyone left the role-play. I didn't realise that when Penny died, the role-play would die with her. I felt terrible.
    Yay! It's a death I'm using in an upcoming story which I told Myst about (it's a musical murder themed story). She was inspired to use it as there was a room with musical instruments in your role-play ^^

    An asylum role-play sounds fun! I was actually in one once, but I accidentally killed it off. I'll explain it in another VM because it goes over the character limit allowed in a VM.

    Anyway, now that tragedy is over, I'd love to join another RP like that, and not kill it off.

    I'm still thinking about what my role-play will be about. I've actually decided to start planning the first post now. I like my role-plays to look fancy with pictures of the locations and nice fonts.
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