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  • I think you're allowed to make multiple entries too. ;)

    I don't know if I want to do King x Serena or Samson x Mint x Reon (both pairings from blue's story) so I might just make both!
    I bet you could! You don't have to ask for permission! Hehe!

    You can write any crackship pairing! And oh, my... that's interesting... *cough* Nate's 14 and Marielle's 19/almost 20. *cough*
    I'm excited.

    But to Jasper, it's just a room. He doesn't see the need to remove the key from her. :/

    Yeah... >w<

    Just giving updates and you should see that contest. It's epic. ;)
    Update: chat is super calm with blue and I just talking about our stories and this contest.
    Oooh, try me. Try.

    Oh, does he? Jasper doesn't know that though...

    Alright. ^_^

    Oh, my... >w<
    YES. Oooh, you think you can make me get emotional? I'd like to see that. It's hard to make me sad over something. ;)


    Oooh, okay. When should I do that? When do I timeskip?

    Ohh, yeah... you must surprise me then! I will help you! And aww... idk. >w< *hugs*

    Jasper doesn't think he's being creepy tho.

    Btw, when should he air the videos? And what day/time is it?
    Oooh, okay. And sure, I won't attempt~

    Thanks. >w<

    Like my tags? ;)

    Btw, Jasper's being weird rn... with Teela.
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