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  • Ooooh, maybe. True, they are so young. Yes, we need the doggy. Hehe.

    Same~ Nuh-uh, you'll be the strong person! ;)
    He wouldn't. lmfao. Oh, my... why would Shinopapa do that? Wait. Bad idea time! Shipping of Charles x Shinohara. *shot*

    Slow is relaxing. We're mostly slow like that during the week~
    Yes, they would get along. omfg. idea. What if Charles tried to be their matchmaker to bring a little joy to Jasper? lmfao *shot*
    Oooh, that sounds exciting! Congrats!
    mmkay. We just hit a slow point so things are calm again~
    Like... a ghost. It's a play on words for the word "wisp".

    You're welcome! *grins widely*

    And ohmigosh, help me with Jasper.
    Here's what I'm thinking so far: Wysp from Cosmos.

    Oooh, really? :eek:

    Btw, good job on breaking your shell last night. You actually did really well by staying even tho I went to bed.
    Heheheh... I'm goung to try to get their IP's and find them! Possibly burn them at the cross like what they did to the witches! Mwahaha! Either way, just say stuff that will make them wet themselves! They are little kids with their horrible grammer...
    Um... Second to last and the last page. And of course I can hex?! God, I spent most of my life training in the dark arts! Hexing was one of the first things I learned!
    Little b**** Cellia thinks she's so wonderful going around and tormenting Myst! I am going to flipping HEX that ignorant, pathetic little brat who keep talking s*** about Myst on her ask thread!

    Ha, you should totally see chat right now. It's a complete contrast to what it was when you were on earlier.
    I'm going to a relative's house. >w<

    I might sneak onto chat while there tho because it'll be really boring...
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