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    No worries. I'm just giving away gracie clothing right now so I can restart my town tonight.

    You should. Hehe~
    I guess so. And yes, that's great that coffee worked! Oooh, ideas!

    Oh, um... I'm doing stuff in ACNL rn. >w<

    I will. It's only me, her, and happy on rn if you want to say hello yourself. ;)
    That's great! I stayed up until 2am then woke up at like noon so I'm good too! Aww... at least the nightmare is gone now~

    Sure, sounds good.

    Btw, Leela says hello. (I'm talking to her rn in the group chatango.)
    No worries. At least you got enough sleep! ^-^
    Aww... at least you were able to sleep!
    It' fine, tbh, I'll try to bump it once more, but after that, i'll be done c":
    I loved the plot, as i said but y'know im not going to keep bumping, so yeah,
    goodnight and have a good day
    did she get it? as she hasn't replied. I guess I'll just abandon it though. Because, i love the plot but beardo said she'd reply three days ago, never did. So, yeah, its pretty uosetting but it seems no one really is interested

    Ah! you got a point... I think I'm too sleepy to write properly, but I still want to try to brainstorm tomorrow (you should too!) to think up some new traps and motives and stuff, and just HOW we are gonna use the hostage as a bargaining chip~ owo

    "Turning towards Teela so he could hear her better, Charles took in the new found information and reached up to scratch his chin in thought."

    Huh? Since when did Teela arrive?
    Alright. Going to go read~

    Ooooh, we should but it's late... I like that last idea though!


    You do! And yes, evolution!
    Yes, setting up the traps, and the hostage!

    For traps, I want to see food as bait. Fresh, steaming food.

    *grins* You did well. Soon, that shell will burst and you'll be a beautiful butterfly!~
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