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  • Well, I'll prove to you how bad I am too then! XD
    oh, my... do you want to join a gang? *cough* The Black Ghoul *cough*

    Good idea!

    Just checked TBT right now. No homework so I'm on tumblr~
    I'm sure you're not that bad at drawing~

    Oh, wow... that really stinks... you should sleep earlier tonight to make up for it. >w<
    Oooh, maybe! That would be cool. Alright. Good idea~

    Not yet. Maybe tomorrow~

    You can draw! I believe in you! ^-^

    Alright, night! I finished editing up to chapter four. I'll do more tomorrow.
    Oh, one person just went to bed so it's just me and someone else on rn. I think I'll go sleep too.
    Don't be scared! *hugs* Oh, and there's two other people on right now besides me~

    Oooh, that'd work! I have mine mentally planned out. ^-^

    YES! Have you made him art yet? :D
    Ethre has an account over there too, did you know?

    And, hm... what else should happen?
    Wait. Actually, I have one already. lol (My name is on it tho) You're always nervous, aren't you? :3

    Charles is awesome~
    Eh, too lazy too~ chatango is the chat program my website uses. It's basically just chatting. lol (I'm on it right now, actually. XD )

    Okay! Oooh, that sounds like so much fun! ^-^
    Ohhh, no worries. And no, I don't have a Skype. lol (I use chatango tho. XD )

    You can do it! *grins*
    Yes, they look so neat!

    Yup. She's always in my ask thread so not creepy at all. :3

    mmkay. I'll go post in a bit.

    Alright! I think I'll go hop in the shower real quick. Take your time~
    Oooh, I don't know who those characters are but your costumes look awesome!

    She's seen you in my ask thread, maybe? And don't worry, there's nothing to fear~

    Hm... I'll see what I can do.

    And yeah, it's a cool story. ^-^
    If you want more cool stories to read, you should definitely check this one out! It's written by my friend Blue and she's absolutely amazing. I love her stories and I'm sure you will too~
    Leela is on TBT. You don't know her? (She talks to me in my ask thread a lot.) And no, no one else knows you. Don't be scared! >w<

    Hm... I feel like it'd be a bit out of the blue for him to do that?
    Oh, we were distracted talking about other things so I never replied to her saying that~

    And yeah, she knows you because you're fabulous!

    It's awesome! ^-^

    Oooh, yay!

    Oh, and what about Jasper killing Monica? Will you give reasoning for that soon? Does that impact Charles's views on love?
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