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  • Hi hi, how are you? I feel bad that I never really log in anymore. ;n;
    Haha I can transfer the bells back if you aren't comfortable with me holding them for so long? :) Until you're ready to trade
    Good to know!

    Cool! <3 My in-game trainer name is Mahina, which mean Moon in Hawaiian. What's yours? My naming habits used to be simpler until I became obsessed with Japanese words--ever since then I always feel like names of things in videogames I play should have meaning, I suppose. It gets pretty tedious sometimes though. xD
    Yeah, that's how I feel as well! 'u'

    YUS, my FC is on my profile! My mom and my brother both got games too, but we're trying to get through the beginning part at the same time together before we all go off and play when we want, so we only just got our starters, lol. So excited to get going on my journey! I've decided to name all my party Pokémon in Hawaiian because of the theme! Good luck on your shiny hunt! <3

    I have a few from my cousin's phone, but most of them are being developed still because they were taken on a professional camera.
    I went to the convention as Kyubey and I had these little cards that people could write their name and wish on, and I got Vic Mignogna to fill one out! He wished for peace of mind, haha. It was one of the best days of my life. ;u;
    Yes! Sometimes sad endings are okay for me, but I feel like they need to at least be happy most of the way through then--however any sad endings still bother me, and I can usually only accept them if they're bittersweet like those ones where someone dies to help somebody else and there's actually a purpose for those sad events.

    I'll definitely try that when I have the time! 'Course I just got Pokémon Moon so I'm sure a lot of my free time will go there. xD

    I just looked up Naegi and ohh my goodness, that must have been wonderful to cosplay! That hoodie looks so comfortable, ahh! Also no, I haven't seen your photos! I'd definitely love to check them out! My cousin just got me into cosplaying recently--I didn't have the money to make my own costumes with her before I had a job, so I only just went to my first convention on Saturday. It was so exciting!
    Hopefully you settle in and are happy with your new home then! ;u;

    Yeah! It's almost just too sad for me to see an entirely depressing story, and I think it's kind of inspiring to write happy endings in mostly sad stories because it leaves a good, satisfied feeling. I like to have the option to continue on with characters as well--if their story ends very badly, it's not as easy to make art of them afterward or pick up in a place you can think of a continuation for.

    Ohh, I can't believe I didn't think of watching a playthrough! That's such a good idea, nnn~ Still wanna watch the anime though, too! Also you cosplayed from it? Awesome! Which character was it? 'u'
    Oh man, that's no fun. ;n; At least it's all done and over, right? You can probably relax more now. 'o'

    Cool! Yus, spooky carnivals are noice! owo I think as far as roleplaying goes, I like a nice mix of styles--I'm a sucker for happy endings though. I like my characters to go through a whole lot of bad stuff and then pick them up, dust them off and give 'em a hug at the end, lol. I'm all like:"You've done well, my child. Rest now, rest now. *strokes hair*"

    I stillll haven't seen the Dangan Ronpa anime, my family wants to watch other shows first and it's killing meee. I haven't played the game either because I don't have the the gaming system for it, so I'm hoping to familiarize myself through the anime.
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